Thursday, March 17, 2011

Leprechaun Sighting

Just in time for Saint Patrick's Day, many people are interested in what some citizens in Mobile, Alabama have witnessed. Many believe they have seen a Leprechaun hiding in trees. Eye witnesses day the Leprechaun only comes out at night and if you shine a light in its direction, it suddenly disappears. The amateur sketch of the Leprechaun is amazing.

Leprechaun Sighting - Watch more Funny Videos

Of course, "It could be a crackhead... that got on to the wrong stuff... and it told him to get up in a tree and play a Leprechaun." People will do anything for a pot of gold.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lady Gaga: Born This Way Video

New music video by Lady Gaga debuted this weekend and was filmed entirely in New York City. I think it may be a hit.

Funny Animal Voices

These animals are even funnier because the have British accents. What else can you expect from the BBC.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lil Jon Makes Everything Better

Lil Jon can make any song better. This includes songs on Nick Jr. This should completely appropriate for your 4 year old to watch.

Your Bad Parent Of The Day


Nothing like a game of catch to keep add to the family bonding

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mathematical Proof the Girls are Evil

Here is a mathematical proof that Girls are in fact Evil

Token Interweb Cat Video

One of the biggest trends in funny videos on the internet is when cats are the main feature. I'm still not entirely sure why it is, but Cats + Human Actions + Video Camera = Funny Internet Video. This formula has proven true for all the Keyboard Cats and Surprised Cats on the world wide web. I bring you the next one, the TROLOLO Cat

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pandas Teach You How to Dougie

These pandas definitely stole these dance moves from me down the shore

New Holiday

I'm glad to see my weekly holiday is picking up some steam...

Beer Fetching Dog

This is truly man's best friend.

Awesome Beer Fetching Dog - Watch more Funny Videos
The dog forgot to open the beer though

Lobster vs. Crab

Via BuzzFeed
Nothing like a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors to solve any dispute.

Predator: The Musical

With all the buzz, news, and attention about the Spiderman play on broadway, people have been trying to find the next money maker. I believe that this could be that one... Predator: The Musical

"If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It" could be one of the greatest musical numbers ever written. I can only hope "Get to the Choppa" and "Do It (Do It Now)" can live up to the hype.